As you can tell, I had a very very, very eventful week. Oh la la.
So Tuesday...What a day. I started out my morning by having a very calm discussion with two Jehovah's Witness. We won the calm discussion by letting them talk while sitting there like this 😐😦🤔 the whole time then coming out at the end like ANGELS AREN'T A DIFFERENT SPECIES THAN HUMANS WHAT WOULD BE THEIR PURPOSE IF THEY CAN'T PROGRESS. THEY WOULD BE NOTHING. ALSO, WHY WOULD GOD DO THAT IF HE WERE JUST AND ALSO JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT A BACK UP PLAN FOR ADAM MESSING UP GOD'S PLAN, THAT WOULD MAKE GOD NOT ALL KNOWING oh man haha okay. It went actually pretty smoothly, they tried to poison us with mineral water at the end but they did accept our Book of Mormons and I have a 2nd What does the Bible teach book.
Wednesday we saw Manoucheca and Roosevens and Wensley again :') We brought them one of those little kid Book of Mormon Story books and Roosevens was already halfway through. Ahhhh I love them.
On Saturday we were Sonnering in Roissy (basically ringing the doorbells of apartment buildings) and we actually found one new ami! But also there was this man that made my heart unlock. He was the first one we rang on this building and he was on ground floor so he just came out to us and I was like 😮, he opened the door and was like everyone is home today so come on in and just knock on the doors. He was an angel. I didn't stop smiling all night haha I think I'm blushing now. That's all 😇
On the way back from Roissy we talked to a guy on the train and we gave him a Book of Mormon and set him up with other missionaries but he could not understand the fact that we are not polygamists. He kept looking at me so concerned and would ask "how do you feel being around all your dad's wives?" "how does it make you feel sharing your husband?" I feel great Charles I feel great okay?
Our amis are doing really well! Sourivong is trying to figure out how he can be Buddhist and Mormon, Happy decided she will follow the Prophet and Gwènaëlle (in pic) is reading in the Book of Mormon and is beginning to understand the Atonement. We have a crazy week ahead of us, that is always a good thing! It's the last week of the transfer so we are going to end it well. 🥂
Also, all I do in my free time is read the Old Testament. I might know it as well as my Nigerian friends by the time I get home. I think I'm going to buy a loom and make hats. Hahaha I'm going to be like an African cat mama for the rest of my life okay bye see you never have a good week ♡
Les Missionaires
Soeur Kennady Nay
2 Rue Bernard Palissy N173
77600, Bussy-Saint-Georges
Sœur Nay