Monday, February 26, 2018

Je vais vous prêcher quelques choses

I had exchanges this week and I was with Sœur Kennington who went to Davis and she is so great. We found the whole time but we made it fun by saying okay we are talking to 100 people ready, go and we found some really really realllllllly cool people and I think we got in the high 80's or 90's so yeah we went wild. The other Sœurs in the Nogent apartment are so great. Sœur Carlson was McBride's MTC comp and also stayed in Nivelles for 6 weeks when she was 16 so we have ties. She's so funny so staying over on exchanges is so much fun, she's training Sœur Dorten who is literally the most outgoing person I've ever met.

I admire some of my members this week. The Alverez family is a recent convert family who were a self referral, you would think they've been members their whole lives. Frère Alverez's coworker has come to church twice and then we set up a Soirée for Wednesday night. Her whole family came and we ate a classic French meal, can't remember the name, and answered her Bible questions and talked about the Book of Mormon and got home at 22h30's okay. Then Sr. Domenech had a co-worker at church who she gave a Book of Mormon to a couple of months ago, she's read half. The Alverez's gave amazing talks on the Book of Mormon. She loved it and Sr. Domenech was introducing her to everyone and was so so so excited to have her there. Her friend said she felt like she progressed so much just being there one time. Why don't we invite our friends to church?

Okay highlight of my week: we stop a nice looking black woman (whenever you feel down stop an African and talk to them about Jesus) oh no she is crazy evangilist and hates paintings of Jesus and only wants to hear the parole and is telling us to preach Jesus not the Book of Mormon, just preach the bonne parole. Sœur Bookwalter turns red and gets soooo serious then says literally through her teeth while pointing her finger "Je vais vous prêcher quelques choses.." I missed the rest because I was holding back laughing IT WAS AMAZING 😂😂😂

So yeah this week was good. We had good rendezvous it was just off. I got fed by the Queen of Laos again. And translated a weird letter for her. Also, I was mistaken for a prostitute twice (I'm blaming it on mom for sending me pink boots lol) walking down the street I was looking down and then I looked up because someone was passing me, this guy looks at me and is like oh non merci j'ai une femme. I didn't even smile at him!! We counted it as one of our invites for the day because I unintentionally invited him 🙃

Sorry no pictures so here are more from the Louvre last week and also a good quote and also something I found on family tree that is so stinking adorable. I'm gonna hunt down my zone picture because they didn't post it on FB.

Sœur Nay

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